Workshop Presenter: Susan Taymans
###Oral Presenter: Jessica Ispada, MSc PhD – Animal Biotechnology, AgResearch, Hamilton New Zealand
###Oral Presenter: Hon (Dexter) Y. Chan, PhD (he/him/his) – The Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia
### he/him/hisOral Presenter: Satoshi Mashiko, M.Ed. – Reproductive Biology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
###Keynote Speaker: Richard O, Prum, PhD (he/him/his) – Yale University
### he/him/hisInvited Oral Speaker: Vincent Lynch, PhD – University at Buffalo, SUNY
###Oral Presenter: Hong Chen, MD, PhD – Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, P. R. China
###Session Chair: Pascale Chavatte-Palmer
### @@@ Deirdre M. Scully, PhD (she/her/hers) – Baylor College of Medicine ### 2319350###Session Co-Chair###Postdoctoral Fellow###Baylor College of Medicine###Session Co-Chair: Deirdre M. Scully, PhD (she/her/hers) – Baylor College of Medicine
### she/her/hersInvited Plenary Speaker: Anne Ferguson-Smith, PhD – University of Cambridge
###Oral Presenter: Margaret Rush, MD – Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
###Oral Presenter: Paulo HA Campos-Junior (he/him/his) – Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei
### he/him/hisOral Presenter: Mackenzie D. Stohlmann – University of Nebraska-Lincoln