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SSR Annual Meeting Code of Conduct:

1. Purpose

The Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) is committed to providing a welcoming and respectful environment for all participants. This Code of Conduct sets forth expectations for behavior at SSR events to ensure a harassment-free and inclusive experience for everyone.

2. Expected Behavior

  • All participants are expected to:

  • Treat others with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.

  • Communicate openly and thoughtfully, with constructive criticism and feedback.

  • Be mindful of your surroundings and fellow participants.

  • Alert SSR leadership if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.

3. Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form.

  • Verbal or physical abuse of any attendee, speaker, sponsor, exhibitor, or SSR staff member.

  • Disruption of presentations or other events.

  • Inappropriate physical contact or unwelcome attention.

  • Use of sexual or discriminatory imagery in public spaces (including slides or presentations).

  • Any illegal activity or behavior deemed unsafe or harmful.

4. Prohibited Acts

The Society for the Study of Reproduction prohibits discrimination, bullying, and all forms of harassment including sexual, gender, disability, racial, ethnic, or other types. SSR is committed to providing a meeting environment where all individuals are welcomed, treated with respect and dignity, and are free from harassment and discrimination.

5. Reporting Violations

If you experience or witness any form of harassment or violation of this Code of Conduct, please immediately report it to an SSR staff member or an SSR officer identifiable by their SSR badge. Incidents can also be reported through If you prefer, you can visit the SSR Headquarters office to speak with the SSR Executive Director.

6. Reporting Procedure

Upon receiving a report:

  • The incident will be reported to the SSR President and Executive Council.

  • The names of all individuals involved will remain confidential within the Executive Committee.

  • The Executive Committee will document allegations and respond based on guidelines from the HHS Office for Civil Rights.

  • SSR reserves the right to take appropriate actions for any lawful reason that is in violation of this Code of Conduct, including: a notification of unacceptable behavior to the individual with specific instructions to cease, and in serious cases, expulsion from the conference.

  • SSR prohibits retaliation against individuals who report incidents.

7. Additional Resources

In addition or as an alternative to contacting an SSR staff or a member of the Executive Committee, anyone with questions or complaints related to harassment are encouraged to visit the HHS Office for Civil Rights website here, Filing a Civil Rights Complaint. Filing a complaint with the conference organizer is not required before filing a complaint of discrimination with HHS OCR, and seeking assistance from the conference organizer in no way prohibits filing complaints with HHS OCR.

NOTE: This is an NIH-supported event, if there are concerns about harassment, you may also notify NIH. There are two ways to do this 1) Via telephone 301.480.6701 or 2) Click here.

8. Acknowledgment

Attendance at the SSR annual meeting implies acceptance of this Code of Conduct. All participants are expected to adhere to these guidelines throughout the event.