Cientiífico Titular (Tenured Scientist)
Department of Animal Reproduction. INIA-CSIC., Spain
Manuel Álvarez-Rodríguez (Ph.D. in Animal Reproduction). Department of Animal Reproduction. INIA-CSIC. Madrid, Spain.
I am working in the cell and molecular biology of reproduction, from my PhD at the University of León (Spain), towards research tasks at Linköping University (Sweden), Universidad de Murcia (Spain), Yamanashi University (Japan) and Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain). The main research focus of our "Spermatology in Animal Production and Conservation - SAProC group is to elucidate the mechanism involved in "in vitro" capacitation and cryopreservation of spermatozoa, and whether this mechanism could be signalling biomarkers during the male-female interactions.