INIA-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
María Maroto Oltra, PhD, works as a postdoctoral trainee at the Department of Animal Reproduction, INIA-CSIC, Madrid, Spain. Interested in studying the mechanisms by which cell division, proliferation, and development are regulated in mammals, she performed her PhD at the Cell Division and Cancer group, CNIO, Madrid. Then, motivated by deciphering the biology of reproduction and genetics, she joined the Gametogenesis and Early Embryonic Development group, where she is participating in several projects, especifically focusing on the study of genes involved in gametogenesis and fertilization processes by using transgenic animals.
Mice Sex Ratio Altered by Deletion of Y Chromosome Ssty2 Repetitions
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
11:00 AM – 11:15 AM IST