Health System Research Administrator Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, United States
Abstract Authors: Jaleh Barzideh
Abstract Text: Details of the bio molecular and atomic construction of human sperm have not been profiled at this point. The current examination is meant to give a profound knowledge into the normal construction of human sperm. For this purpose, analytical and microscopic methods were applied. High-performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and flowcytometry were used to quantify the DNA nucleotide components. As well fluorescent, confocal and advanced light microscopy were distinguished to identify the stained sperm DNA by chromomycinA3 (CMA3) and 5-methylcytosine antibody (5-mc). The mean upsides of nucleotide base rates in the construction of the sperm DNA went through HPLC sequenced by 27.6%, 8.92%, 27.05%, and 35.36%. Likewise, quantitative flowcytometry of global 5-methylcytosine showed an unpredictable vacillation in people with ordinary sperm while there is a lasting expansion in unique 50% percoll inclinations. The measure of CMA3-positivity levels adversely corresponded with sperm collect by percoll gradients (p< 0.0001) and positively associated (P< 0.05) with global methylation as dictated by flowcytometry. Curiously, in this content microscopy of stained cells showed an alternate perspective on the sperm head. These investigations propose some new substance levels of nucleotides and cytochemistry of sperm head structure. This investigation incites further examination of actuated new suppositions in atomic harmony and nuclear equilibrium in the axiom of the DNA ladder in human sperm.